Thursday, January 22, 2015

100th Day

We are going to be celebrating the 100th day on Friday, January 30th.

Sorry for the change in plans. Any questions please let me know. Thanks!

Monday, January 12, 2015


Dear Family:

The 100th day of School is quickly approaching and so it's time for us to start planning the festivities. This year, we are planning a special, family project.

                                                      THE 100TH DAY CAPE!

Enclosed in this bag, you will find a cape that your child will wear on the 100th day of school. But, something is missing! Each of these capes needs 100 of something on it. Maybe you can stick: 100 stickers on it, 100 googly eyes, 100 punched designs, 100 paperclips, or 100 letters...the limitations are only up to your creativity and what the cape is capable of holding for the duration of the day! (Feel free to make a cape the same size out of another material you have if you want to.)

Our 100th day of school will be on Monday, February 2nd!

Please make sure your child's cape project is completed by then. If you are unable to complete this project with your child, please let me know as soon as possible. We don't want any child to not have a special cape for this day and we will need time to make other arrangements!

Make this project a fun, family project!

I will send home the cape next Tuesday, the 20th. Please let me know by then, if you won't be able to complete the project.
